The "Nevermoor" series follows Morrigan Crow, a cursed child who escapes her fate by joining the magical Wundrous Society in the enchanting city of Nevermoor. As she uncovers secrets about her extraordinary abilities and the society, Morrigan faces thrilling adventures and formidable challenges.
Morrigan Crow, a cursed child destined to die on her eleventh birthday, is whisked away to the magical city of Nevermoor by the enigmatic Jupiter North. There, she must compete in a series of dangerous trials to earn a place in the prestigious Wundrous Society and secure her newfound freedom.
Now a member of the Wundrous Society, Morrigan Crow begins to uncover the mysteries of her unique abilities as a Wundersmith. As she faces prejudice and fear from those around her, she must navigate a world of intrigue and danger to protect her friends and prove her worth.
When a mysterious illness called Hollowpox starts affecting the Wunimals of Nevermoor, Morrigan Crow must use her newfound powers to help find a cure. As the threat escalates, she faces both internal and external challenges, pushing her to understand the true extent of her abilities and her role in the society.