The "Crowns of Nyaxia" series by Carissa Broadbent follows the journey of a young protagonist who is thrust into a deadly competition among powerful and magical factions vying for control of the legendary Crowns of Nyaxia. As alliances are forged and betrayals unfold, the protagonist must navigate dangerous trials and uncover hidden truths to claim their destiny and alter the balance of power in their world.
A young warrior enters a deadly competition to claim the Crown of Nyaxia, facing formidable opponents and dangerous trials. Along the way, they uncover hidden powers and secrets that challenge their understanding of their world and their own destiny.
As the battle for the second Crown of Nyaxia intensifies, the protagonist must navigate shifting alliances and treacherous betrayals. With each trial, they come closer to unraveling the ancient mysteries of Nyaxia and their own potential to change the course of history.